PDGA Summer League at Lafreniere Park every Thursday evening in June and July 2017

June 3, 2017

Summer League at Lafreniere Park begins June 1 and goes for 8 weeks, plus a one week playoff on July 27 for the top 3 or 4 players in each division.

$25 for the entire season. Optional $1 ace pot. Open, Advanced, Intermediate & Novice divisions. Plaques for 1st place in all 4 divisions and cash prize for 1st & 2nd in Open. All proceeds will be used to buy more concrete tees at Lafreniere.

Sign up at Lafreniere when you get there to play. Tee-off between 5:30 & 5:45 or call to make arrangements to tee off as late as 6:00.

PDGA members get their rounds rated each time they play too!

You don’t have to play every week to qualify for the playoffs-the average of your lowest 3 rounds will be used for the playoff qualifications.